

Angie Reno

My story is one of a million other parents in this world faced with supporting a family member through the Recovery process. What I gained, however, was completely unexpected. Through a step towards supporting my son, I entered the world of recovery and took back me. 

My son is the one who uses the words 'addict' and 'addiction. As the medical field moves away from these adjectives to describe individuals battling substance use disorders, I have learned enough through the Recovery process to give grace and space to anyone on the front lines of addiction. This also represents a complete shift in me, personally.

I no longer approach anything in life as an expert, someone who holds a wealth of knowledge. Instead, this experience has taught me that there is so much to learn about life, love, family, and connection.

If you are a parent finding out about your child's challenge with substance use, please join me as I walk the world of Recovery.